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The Choose Life at Pitt club believes in directly helping those most vulnerable to abortion. We can do this most easily as college students through volunteering. Several club members volunteer independently at pregnancy resource centers in Pittsburgh. Additionally, the club organizes volunteer days*, primarily on Saturdays, to visit a local pregnant women’s home or resource center.

As volunteers, we bring pizza, snacks, and games to Genesis where we hang out and play games with these single mothers. The Genesis Center can be described as a “residence and future-planning center for women who are pregnant over the age of 18 and in need of shelter… The goal of the program is to provide a self-help, home-like environment aimed at fostering a sense of responsibility and independence.”
The goal of the volunteers is to help the moms relax for a whole afternoon. This is a highly recommended volunteering event for students since spending time with single moms receiving the help they need for their individual situations gives great insight into why we are pro-life. We serve and #LoveThemBoth
Volunteers visiting Genesis House, a pregnant women’s home.

Sojourner House is a home for women who are pregnant and/or parenting that experience addiction. The mission at Sojourner House is to “help addicted mothers learn to break the intergenerational cycle of poverty and chemical abuse while rebuilding damaged relationships with their children.” Since this home houses mothers and children, we bring a variety of activities for the kids to play and the moms to relax. This home receives limited guests due to the fragile situations of the residents, so our visits go a long way for the women and children we spend time with.


Volunteers after a Sojourner House event.

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